Order Pickup for Local Customers


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SupportOrdering & Shipping › Order Pickup for Local Customers 

Once you’ve designed and ordered your online printing project at Onestopdp, the next step is figuring out how you’d like to get it. Do you want it shipped to you? Blind shipped to your own customers? If you’re a local customer, one great option is order pickup right from our headquarters in Chanhassen, MN. (Didn’t know an online printer could offer that, did you?)

Here’s how you do it. 

Counter Pickup

Counter pickup orders are available anytime after 6 p.m. of the estimated ship date. Please wait until you’ve received an email indicating your order has shipped before arriving. Once you’ve been notified your order is ready, you can pick it up from our lobby at any time.

The pickup location is 950 Lake Drive East, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
Follow the sign for Customer Pickup. 

  • Drive all the way to the end of the parking lot and look for a sign that indicates the customer and visitor entrance.
  • Enter through those doors to find the order pickup area (the door is open 24/7).
  • Refer to your notification from onestopdp to find which shelf your order is on.
  •  Be sure that all parts of your order are finished.

Hint: If there are multiple parts to your order, be sure to check your Activity Log to ensure all of them are complete and ready for pickup. 

Counter Pickup

Due to their size, some large orders may be available for pickup on dock 11 at our headquarters. Please wait until you’ve received an email indicating your order is ready for pickup before arriving. Once you’ve been notified, you can pick it up from dock 11.

  • Order pickup is available:
  • The pickup location is 950 Lake Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
  • Follow the sign for Shipping & Receiving. 

Use that entrance to drive all the way around to the back of the building and look for dock 11 (there’s a white sign above the dock with the number 11 on it). 

Ring the doorbell and a Onestopdp employee will get your order for you. 

We love being your full-service online printing shop. If you have questions about order pickup or any other online printing services, please contact customer service. 


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